Geospatial Data
Aggregate geospatial data compatible with the GDL subnational regions across the world. Currently, we provide weather and emission data, which can be easily linked to our other indicators.
Map visualisations
The geospatial world maps allow the visualization of any aggregate, geospatial indicator across all countries for which data is available at a given point in time. Subnational indices can also be displayed on the map showing differences within countries.
Data tables
We provide easy to navigate data tables displaying the aggregate, geospatial indicator information in a grid-like format of rows and columns. Information is available along three dimensions: (i) country, (ii) time, and (iii) choice of indicator(s).
How to cite us and get advice
For data retrieved from the GDL Geospatial Database, please refer to the Geospatial Database of the Global Data Lab,, version v0.2.
For questions and advice, please reach out to Olexiy Kyrychenko.